Currently Funded Projects:
Co-Investigator: (PI Malcolm McNeil) VA 1I01RX001145-01A1 Aphasic comprehension:
conflict resolution and short-term memory, October 2013 – September 2017.
Principal Investigator: “Theory driven treatment of language and cognitive impairment in aphasia”
NIDCD R01 DC013196-0A1 March 2014 to February 2019
Principal Investigator (PI Nadine Martin ) NIDCD 1R13 DC014223-01 Eleanor M. Saffran
Conference on the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language. July 2014-June 2017.
Previously Funded Projects:
Principal Investigator: "The organization of lexical and phonological processes: Investigations of
naming in normal and aphasic populations." McDonnell Foundation, McDonnell-Pew
Program in Cognitive Neuroscience (12/90 - 12/92).
Principal Investigator. “Interactive processes in lexical retrieval.” NIH: National
Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders. R-29, Independent
research and transition award.(12/93 - 12/98).
Principal Investigator. "Lexical retrieval, verbal short-term memory and learning." NIH:
National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders.
(7/99 - 6/04).
Co-Principal Investigator (PI - MattiLaine). "Rehabilitation of anomia: Explorations of cognitive and
neural mechanisms." James S. McDonnell Foundation: Program
for Collaborative Pilot Projects in Cognitive Rehabilitation Research.(9/98 -9/01)
Principal Investigator. (PI: Nadine Martin) “Rehabilitation of grapheme-phoneme
correspondence and sound blending abilities in phonological dyslexia”. Dean’s
Incentive Grant, Temple University, 2003-04
Co-Investigator (PI: MattiLaine) Grant from the Academy of Finland "Neurocognition of
language learning and re-learning"), other co-investigators: RiittaSalmelin (Helsinki
University of Technology), Alan Baddeley (Bristol University) 2003-2005.
Principal Investigator of Subcontract to “Psycholinguistic Aspects of Aphasic
Syndromes” (Principal Investigator: Myrna Schwartz, Ph.D. Moss Rehabilitation
Research Institute.) NIH: National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders. R01 DC
100091 (9/2003 – 8/2006).
Principal Investigator “Bridge Grant: Lexical retrieval, verbal short-term memory and
Learning. Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, Temple
University. 3/2004 – 4/2005.
Principal Investigator ”Lexical retrieval, verbal short-term memory and learning”
NIH: National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders R01 DC01924. (12/2005 – 11/2010).
Associate Investigator (PI: Carolyn Wilshire, Ph.D. Victoria University of Wellington,
New Zealand). “Disorders of selection and control in Individuals with nonfluent
Aphasia.” Marsden Fund, The Royal Society of New Zealand. (3 years). 2005-2008.
Principal Investigator. “Remediation of word processing and short-term memory deficits
in aphasia” 1R21DC008782-01A 2/1/2008-1/31/09
Principal Investigator ”Lexical retrieval, verbal short-term memory and learning”
NIH: National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders Supplement:
3R01DC001924-14S1 (7/17/2009– 11/30/2010).
Principal Investigator. “Remediation of word processing and short-term memory deficits in aphasia”
Supplement: 3R21DC008782-01S1 2/1/2008-1/31/2009 (plus 12 months no cost extension).
Dean’s Incentive Award, Interdepartmental Research Award, Promoting Functional “Communication
Abilities in Aphasia with Virtual Reality Environments”, 2011
Principal Investigator. (Co-I’s Francine Kohen and Gary Milsark). NIDCD R21 “Effects
of Argument Structure and Processing Load on Sentence Processing in Aphasia”
1R21DC011434-01A1 (7/1/2011 – 6/30-2013).
Diversity Supplement to R21 DC01434: awarded to support Anicha Malloy for one year mentoring and
research experience. “Using syntactic priming to improve sentence comprehension in aphasia” March
1, 2012 – February 28, 2013.
Principal Investigator: (Co-Is Emily Keshner and Alex Rudnicky) “Promoting Functional
Communication in Aphasia with Virtual Clinicians” NIDCD1R21DC012245-01A.
10/2012 - 9/2014.
Co-Investigator (PI Emily Keshner ) NIDCD 1R13 DC012999-01 Conference:
International Conference on Virtual Reality and EM Saffran Cognitive Neuroscience
Conference. August 26-29, 2013.