Science of Aphasia

for People with Aphasia

Please join us at the Aphasia Rehabilitation Research Laboratory at Temple University for our new discussion group called, The Science of Aphasia for People with Aphasia. 

Our next meeting is on Monday, August 7th at 12:00 pm. You may join us on Zoom:

If you have aphasia, sometimes you cannot say the words you want to say WHEN they need to be said. Sometimes nothing comes out at all even though you know the word you want to say. This is like a tip-of-the-tongue moment. Sometimes the wrong words come out. We want to say, “Look at those beautiful horses!”, but instead we say, “Look at those beautiful houses!” or horseshoes or “holeres” or “cows”. These speech moments are like “slips-of-the-tongue”.

Although we all experience tip-of-the-tongue and slips of the tongue moments, they are more frequent in aphasia. In the next Science of Aphasia meeting, we will talk about why these speech errors happen and how to deal with them when they do happen.

Please send our flyer to anyone who might be interested!

If you have any questions, you may e-mail or call us at 215-204-4350.