Welcome to our Virtual Poster Session!

Listed below are the Saffran Student Scholars of 2023! Click on the title of their poster to be brought to a webpage that includes a PDF of their poster, learning objectives, a short video of them presenting their work and their contact information if you have any questions for them about their work. If you are receiving CEUs for attending this meeting, you must virtually attend five posters to receive credit for the poster session.

If you have any questions or issues with our website, please e-mail emslab@temple.edu.

Amber Gerasimchik, Au.D. Student, B.H.S., University of Florida -

Mental Health Among the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Access to Mental Health Services

Burgundy Bisson, Au.D. Student, B.A., California State University Los Angeles -

The Neurophysiological Measures of Speech Discrimination in Aging

Christopher Nightingale, Ph.D. Student, M.S., CCC-SLP, Gallaudet University -

The Impact of Language Exposure, Socioeconomic Status, and Parental Stress on Language Outcomes for Oral Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

Elana Pontecorvo, Ph.D. Student, Ed.M., Boston University -

Early bimodal bilingual vocabulary development in DHH children with hearing parents

Elizabeth Evans, Ph.D. Student, M.S., CCC-SLP, University of Florida -

Health Care Utilization and Access Among the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Farha Najah Hussain, Ph.D. Student, M.Sc.A., New York University -

Confronting Pathology by Revealing a Critical Landscape and Social Justice in the Field of Communication Sciences and Disorders: A Scoping Review

Johanna Hearn, Ph.D. Student, M.S., CCC-SLP, Vanderbilt University -

Literacy Outcomes for School-Aged Children with Speech Sound Disorders: A Systematic Review

Latoya Dixon, Ed.D. Student, M.Ed., Lamar University -

Language is Caught Not Taught: Parents use Bimodal Bilingualism with their Deaf children

Mackenzie Lighterink, Ph.D. & Au.D. Student, B.A., Vanderbilt University -

Audiovisual Integrations and Cortical Responses to Speech in Pediatric Cochlear Implant Users

Meghan Littlejohn, Ph.D. Student, M.S., Temple University -

Unit Priming in Children with Typical Speech and Language Development

Michelle Koplitz, Ph.D. Student, M.H.S., University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry -

A pilot study identifying relative parental value systems for DHH child developmental domains in the context of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI)-system narratives

Paris Gappmayr, Ph.D. Student, B.A., Boston University -

The role of sign type, sign familiarity, and perceiver proficiency on gaze patterns during sign perception

Sofia Hein Machado, Ph.D. Student, B.S., University of Houston -

Exploring the impact of home language use on speech outcomes of deaf and hard of hearing Spanish-English bilingual children

Sumaira Gul Mushtaq, Ph.D. Student, M.S., CCC-SLP, Alliant International University, San Diego -

Empowering Parents: Choosing Communication Modalities for Deaf Children

Tiana Hose, M.S. Student, B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology -

Efficacy of Novel Bilingual Language and Cognitive Measures